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Polish company Structum operates the Internet platform technologie-budowlane.com and provides cutting edge solutions for the building industry. The company ensures technological support for designers and contractors. It organizes supplies of technologically advanced construction materials directly to the building site.
The Internet portal www.technologie-budowlane.com offers technical specifications of building insulation systems, industrial flooring, building renovation, and compendiums concerning the application of geosynthetic materials in the building industry. Our product catalogue contains over 2,000 technologically advanced construction materials. Most products can be ordered directly via our on-line shop, which is an integral part of the platform.
The Structum staff provide free of charge support concerning the choice of suitable building technology over the telephone and the Internet. Structum ensures full technical support for each presented product.
The technologie-budowlane.com platform ensures the supply of all presented products and technologies directly to the building site.source files logo
logo Structum - format CDR
logo Structum - format PSD
logo technologie-budowlane.com - format PNG
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